Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Thoughts on Evernote Peek


After the presentation, what this application impressed me most is its cool operating method and its beautiful UI. It is probably these two features that help it reach the top in the store. Moreoever, the market potential should also be emphasized because it determines the application's life cycle.
1. Unique use of smart cover. The presentation team strongly emphasized on this point. From the ad video, this application can be used anywhere at anytime, and it copies the traditional way of learning, i.e. using cards into an electronic-based learning. Compared with other apps on education, this app is innovative and marks a new way of utilizing the peripherals and integrate them into the application.
2. Beautiful UI. Even without smart cover, this application is still fascinating because it has a very intuitive and beautiful UI, which can attract many users as well as ideal for kids. Moreover, honstly speaking, for an application that lacks functions, a beautiful UI will even let it surpass those who have more functions but are not that good-looking. This is particularly true for mobile platforms like iPad.
3. The developer can make money by setting up online store to let people download more resources to support the app itself. This idea is important. iOS is a good example. Initally Apple doesn't allow developers to develop applications for iPhone besides web applications. Later they start to provide SDKs and document support and it is proved to be a huge success. For this application, setting up a store is doable and if done well, the profit is prospective.
My thoughts:

Evernote peek is a quite cool application. Before it is released, I already thought developers might make use of the smart cover to do some cool stuff. This application is probably the first application that achieves this goal.

In terms of functions, this application is actually quite simple: it doesn't involve fascinating features that attract professionals. Instead, its unqiue operating methods will attract people who are still learning - mostly students. I don't think at first glance, people will treat it as a must-have app but they may be impressed that it is fun and creative. Since it is free, people won't bother trying it. Its innovative design and beautiful UI will definitelly receive a large group of positive reviews and I believe some people will love it too much to part with it.

On the other hand, an innovative design doesn't mean that it will increase productivity. This app is aimed at education (as it is in the education category), but I doubt whether people can learn more by using this app than by the traditinal way. An attractive UI may make someone feel pleased, but it may also potentially distract people from their work. I have similar experience that sometimes I just slide my fingers on the iPad to feel the smoothness but completely forget what I am going to do. Therefore, I'd rather put it into the entertainment category. :)

I also have some doubt about whether it will have a large market potential. One way to make money is that the developer makes it a paid app. But will many people still use it once they have to pay for it? Its most unique feature is only the smart cover. If people don't bother using smart covers, they may turn to use other similar apps. Another way, as was mentioned in the presentation, is connect it with other information sources or set up a store. But since its user group is not broad, it is hard to say if it will survive.

Just for joking, I guess the purpose of this app is purely for fun. Since its company is already very successful, the developers try building an innovative and beautiful app (and most important, free!) so as to attract users to buy their other products. I think this is also a cool way of advertising. :)


  1. Well, I need to point out something. Firstly, this special app is indeed attracting many business partners.
    In the first version, there is only one flash-card app partnered with evernote peek. But when the second version come just few weeks after the first version, there are a lot more app retailers partnered with evernote peek.
    Most of them are online words memorizing websites, online quiz websites, some are famous life-style websites. They find it beneficial to introduce their services to the IPAD platform by making evernote peek books. People are buying 99 dollars for GRE memorizing app,these websites will very likely get better off by introducing some books in evernote peek. I personally think it will have a pretty big market, especially in elementary education.

    Secondly, the smart cover is actually designed as an important part of ipad2 itself(pointed by steve jobs), not really an traditional accessory. I would prefer to call it"peripheral equipment"(sorry not to pronounce it correctly in the class). I think making the idea out of a peripheral equipment is really interesting. We can be more creative by thinking in a different way.

  2. It's true that currently it's a very hot app and many companies are seeking cooperation. But whether this can continue is another story. (It is prospective, anyway).

    For smart cover, it is cool, but I won't buy it. :) (since I don't think it is worth its price).

    This app is cool, but whether it can increase efficiency still needs to be tested. (Most important)

  3. This is what I thought about Evernote Peek.
    Firstly, the icon is really impressive - compact, cute and looks professional. It gives me a feeling that it should be among the first several apps under that category. Anyway, when there're too many similar products, people will choose one with better icon.
    Secondly, I would use Evernote Peek (If I had an ipad2 and a smart case). The smart cover thing is really convenient. Compared with a similar app which allows user to change questions by touching a button, focusing on only a part of the screen is much better than looking at the whole screen while we don't even need that much space. We don't need to lift our arms up every time and worry about touching somewhere else by mistake.

  4. @Xiangyun: I think its difficult to say whether Peek will be a hit or a flop. But if many companies are eager to partner them to create content, I think it shows certain levels of validation. I mean, these companies wouldn't invest their time for Peek if they didn't believe it has potential right?

    Personally, I am divided as to whether it will succeed or fail, but either way I think it will do so in a very big way. I think it is the kind of app that if it picks up traction and many people use it, it will be deemed cool and people will start using it even though they do not believe it beforehand. Also, when you have a huge user base, content creators are more motivated to generate good content, and that in itself might make the platform more valuable, which makes more people more inclined to use it. Much like twitter. I personally think it is stupid, but when millions are using it, we cannot deny that there is value to it. That said, the opposite can be true. If it does not pick up, it will probably die off or become a very niche app few will utilize.

    @Xiangxin: I agree with both your points!! I think sometimes people just choose what looks nicer and its not really all about features!

  5. Just my 2 cents, Evernote Peek is developed by a already well established company Evernote which has produced an successful app, Evernote. So having some partners at this beginning state of the app may not imply (or be a evidence) that the app itself is really good. I think we need to wait a while for a final verdict.

    @David: haha, seem like you're an advocate of Evernote peek. I see you comment on all blogs criticizing this app!

  6. People like pretty things and some are even willing to pay for them. However, if the app is only nice-looking, I am not sure if people will remain interested as time passes by, unless the app is aimed at fantastic graphic (like Final Fantasy?).
    Another concern is the purpose of Evernote Peek. As Xiangyun has said, the company is already successful. I don't think a successful company will spend money only to make fun but useless product. I tend to think it as some kind of advertizing.
