Sunday, September 11, 2011

Thoughts after pitching session

I don't think I can be a good entreprehnour since I either don't have talent in marketing or I don't have too much interest in it.

I am also afraid that only being an excellent programmer or designer may be not paid that well...

But I want to be paid well so that I have money to do some cool projects. :)

In US, engineers may be able to do that. But in Singapore, I am not sure...

This is the hard truth and is also something I worry about.

Setting up a company is a good idea and is also what I want to do. But I am not willing to manage it. I want to do the dirty work, the technical stuff but not care about the financial report or marketing analysis, etc. This means that if I want to start a company, I need to find someone who shares the same idea and knows business. But it is hard to find. Moreover, though the managers may not know the technical details, they always earn more. We programmers are struggling to build what they want, but if not do well, they can simply fire us... how sad is that...

I like the working environments of google and pixar. It seems that the professionals in google and pixar have more freedom -- they can do whatever they want(of course within certain limitation). Though sometimes the things they do are currently just cool but useless, they won't be disturbed.

Yeah, that's probably what I want. A company with cool ideas, but don't care about whether they are useful or not currently. Maybe I join or start a company like this???


  1. It's good that you know what you really want to do.

    Don't worry too much. Just focus on becoming a DAMN good engineer. Once you become a damn good engineer, you won't have to worry about being fired. On the contrary, your manager will always be worried that you might fire him. :-P

  2. "I need to find someone who shares the same idea and knows business. But it is hard to find. "

    On the contrary there are loads of business people out there who wants to have a piece of the tech pie. I'm sure there ought to be one that shares the same idea as you. Press on...

  3. To add to what Joshua just said, I personally think that the business part is quite easy to learn. You should just go learn it.
